Radio Trailers
Trailers areusually found during adverts on different radio stations.
Different trailers may vary depending on the station due to different
target audiences.Voiceovers.
Nearly every radio trailer you will hear will have a voice over used to give out key information to do with the film etc. The use of a voiceover helps guide the listener through what is being portrayed in the trailer, and also entertain them. They also give a professional feel to the advert, as most radio trailers use a voiceover.
Radio trialers are normally 30 - 40 seconds long, however they can also be a minuet long. This is to keep it short and snappy, also to keep the listerner intrigued, If the trailer was two minuets long it may cause the listener to loose interest. 30-40 seconds is an appropriate time scale to provide all the needed information.
The information that is given in a radio trailer, is usually the title of the film, the date it is released, the screens it is available to be watched on e.g. 2D, 3D, IMAX etc, and what it is best to watch on, and who stars in the film.
The following is a link to four seperate radio trailers, Graviity, Pacific Rim, The Conjuring, and Great Gatsby. Click for Radio Trailers
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