
Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Research into Viral Marketing

Viral Marketing use exsiting social media websites and technologies to try and increase brand awareness. It can be delivered through word of mouth or enhanced by social networks.

In recent years the best example of Viral Marketing is for Christopher Nolan's 2012 film, 'The Dark Knight Rises'. During the marketing campaign white bat graffiti appeared in different locations around the world. The idea behind this was for fans of the film to find the bat graffiti and take a photo using their mobile phones. Once they had taken the photo they had to upload it to social media using #TDKR2012, on Twitter or email the photo in. For every picture sent in, it unlocked a frame from the trailer. The entire trailer was unlocked in under 24 hours. 

These are a few examples of the marketing campaign.

The  video below shows the hype surrounding the markleting campaign.


Although it is uncommon for short films to have viral marketing, due to small budgets, the internet is a fantastic way to create hype and gain awareness. 

Creating a short trailer with a tease of the film, posting this on social media mean it would be seen by friends & family, also by people who follow you on Twitter etc. Family would share the post as they would be proud of your work. There are film trailers posted on the likes of Facebook regularly which shows it is an extremely popular way to gain interest in the film. A positive thing about using Facebook to advertise the film is that it it free, which helps for small films.

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