
Monday 6 March 2017

Details of Re-Shoots

We decided to re-shoot the therapy session scene. This was because we felt the scene lacked dialogue and interaction between the characters. We added lots more close-ups to allow the audience to be much more engaged with the character's feelings, especially as this particular scene is so emotive.

We felt the scene needed to deliver more clarification about the imaginary presence of Charlotte. Although hints were placed in the preceding scenes, we wanted a subtle but shocking reveal that cleared up any speculation in the audience's minds.

Re-shooting the scene allowed us to capture Georgie's thought process, and learn more about the traumatic situations that sparked her hallucinations. In the re-shoot, Georgie's tours of Afganistan are referenced, which weren't included in the initial shoot, and allow insight into the reasons behind Georgie's fragile mindset.

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