
Monday 14 November 2016

Location photos

The bedroom location will be used at the start of the film, to act as Georgies room. This is the place where we will be introuced to Georgie and Charlotte.

The kitchen will feature in the film as the place where the first argument between Charlotte and Georige is shown and the audeince get a insight into the tension between the two regarding Georgies counceling.
The hallway is used for Gerogie's appointment letter. It shows the letter coming through the letterbox and Georgie and Charlotte reading the letter.

We are planning to use this bus stop as the first bus stop where the bus pulls up, this will take place as Georgie and Charlotte are going to the therepy session.

We will use a room in Barnsley College to act as our therapy room. This is where the audience will find out that Charlotte is dead, during a therapy session.

We will use regent street as the bus stop where Georgie and Charlotte get of the bus and walk to the doctors appointment. Georgie and Charlotte will walk up the street and a pedestrian will walk into Georgie.

We are planning to use this bus stop as the first bus stop where the bus pulls up, this will take place as Georgie and Charlotte are going to the therepy session.

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