
Sunday, 13 November 2016



Hypodermic Theory

The idea behind the theory is that it injects a idea into the audience and that they will react to it in a specific way. The media believe that they can inject a specific idea into an audience and they will believe it as there are no other sources of information. For example, the media believe that if they show a advert that is violent then the audience will act in a violent way because of the ad.

Inoculation Theory

The inoculation theory follows the belief that if a idea or concept is injected into an audience a bit at a time, then eventually they will become immune to the idea in time. As people become immune to the idea the statement that is trying to be made has to become worse for it to make an impact on the audience. For example horror films have become increasingly more scary over the years as people have become immune to the horror featured in the films.

Copycat Violence

Copycat violeence is when someone has seen an act of violence within a film and carry it out in real life. It is usually linked to children and teenagers who commit violent crimes. They are often blamed as it is claimed that they havent built up a substantial set of moral and social values to understand that commiting the violence is wrong. An example of this is when the film 'Childs Play 3' was indirectly linked to the killing of a two year old boy by two ten year old boys. The film was linked to the murder even though there was no evidence to prove that they had actually seen the film. This then lead to the film being banned.

Moral Panics

Moral panics are when the media blow a topic out of proportion and an instance of public anxiety or alarm in response to a problem regarded as threatening the moral standards of society  The media take a topic and turn it into something that is far from the truth. For example that everyone you see in a hoodie will have a knife and kills, mobile phones are harmful to health.

Mean World Syndrome
Mean world syndrome is when a large ammount of violence is shown on TV or in films to children and adults which may lead them to believe that the world in which they live is worse than it actually is. Thus increasing the level of anxiety amongst the children and adults. The increas in anxiety levels is because film and TV show concentrated and unrealistic levels of violence in short spaces of time.

Uses and Gratification 

The theory behind uses and gratification is that you choose to do something for your own enjoyment, and to get something out of it. For example we choose what music we want to listen to depending on our mood, or we choose what film or TV program to watch due to our personal preferences and tastes. Some of the effects Mean World Syndrome has on people is that they may start to overestimate the risk of being victimized by crime, think the crime rate level is increasing when it isn't, think the neighbourhoods in which they live are unsafe and belive that 'fear of crime is very serious personal problem

We gain four things from uses and gratification, these are:
  • Role Mode's: One of the main reasons people watch film/TV programs is for the actors and actresses in them. Everybody has a favourite actor or actress whichmay infulence them into watching a certian film, for example they may like Colin Firth which may influence them into watching films such as 'Bridget Jone Tirolgy', 'Love actually' or 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy' to see his performance. Role modles can also be influencial because they may influence people into how they act and portray themselves in real life, which can have postive effects, if the person portrays a good character, or a negative effect if they portray a bad character.
  • Education: We gain knowledge and new understandings from watching a TV program or film, they educate us in different ways. It may help adults and/or children learn more about the society they live in politically, socially, and culturally. 
  • Entertainment: We are entertained by the program/film/music we have chosen to watch/listen to. Some people also used watching films and TV as a form of escapism, to hid away from their own problems for a while and immerse themselves in someone else's.
  • Socialisation: With modern technology we are able to communicate with people in many different ways. People who play video games are able to play against people from all over the world and talk to them about the game. Film lovers are able to talk to people who enjoy the same films as them and the same for people who watch TV programs. Using technology people are able to communicate via social medai and the internet. 

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