Potential Audience:
The following is who we feel would be the potential audience for our short film:
- Our film will be aimed at people aged 15-40 years old. We believe that this is the correct age range for our film due to the content that it covers such as violence and PTSD. We think that to lower the certificate would be incorrect because some of the strong language and gore that could possibly be featured in the flashback.
- Our main target audience would be females because of the strong female lead. Despite our film having stereotypical male appeal from it's inclusion of action sequences, we believe that our film would also be attractive to women due to the exploration it will have into the different ways in which a woman can be strong. From the strength she has to overcome her emotional distress but also the physical prowess our character would have had to have embodied to go into battle in a war torn country.
- The film will also appeal to people who like drama films, as that is our chosen genre. The use of war relate conventions such as camouflage and guns will draw in an audience who has an interest in the war related genre and the history of conflicts. While the emotional development of our main character, will satisfy those who are looking for a more thought provoking watch.
Films which have aspects that apply to our short film idea.
Star Trek (2009) shows a brife but powerfull flashback at the start of the film, the flashback is of Captain Kirk's father sacrificing his own life, to ensure that his crew leave the ship, before selfishly killing himself before getting to meet his newborn son. This is the sort of impact we want our flashback scenes in our short film to give to the audience. The flashback also brings the action element that we hope to put into our flahback sequences.
War Horse (2011), is another a film that is similar to our, from the perspective of war. The film shows scenes of War, from both German and English trenches, which is what we aim to have in our film, as part of the 'flashbacks'.
Divergent (2014) has a strong female lead in the form of Tris Prior, similar to what we aim to do with our short film. Tris has to deal with not fitting into 'the faction system' as she is Divergent. She is a strong female lead, because she has to hid who she truly is and leave her family behind to follow a path she has always wanted to take and join the Dauntless faction. Tris follows her heart and fights to save the city she loves and also to venture over the wall in the later films
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